ADHD & Focus in Minnetonka MN

Parents, do you find yourselves saying, "This year will be different" or "This year has to be better" because your child struggles to focus at school? Watching your child struggle in school and not reach their potential, which you know they have, is so hard. As pediatric chiropractors in Minnetonka MN, we commonly hear the phrase, "I don't know what's happening with him," and "I don't know how to help; we are tired of fighting and forcing him to do his homework." Usually, there is a daily meltdown that happens either at school or at home when your child is asked to focus and complete the task at hand. You want your child to have a great year academically, emotionally, and socially, and we are here to provide you with long-term, sustainable change within your child's brain.
understanding what is happening with your child in Minnetonka MN
First, it's crucial that you understand what is happening with your child and why it is so hard for them to focus and use their energy productively in the first place. How does your child learn? Through their brain. Your child's brain and nervous system are constantly learning and developing; the brain is not fully developed until their mid-twenties. So even when they are not "learning," their brain is always at work, making new connections and forming new neural pathways. These neural pathways are either calm, clear, and connected or stressed, chaotic, and disorganized. Which pathways do you think are desirable? The calm, clear, and connected ones, of course! But unfortunately, that is not often the case; your child's neural pathways may be ones of stress, chaos, and disorganization.
Think of it this way: if you are trying to find your favorite radio station and the station is 97.5, but you are on 97.3, what does it sound like? Is it clear, or is there static? Correct, there is static. That is exactly what is happening in your child's brain when it is in a stressed, sympathetic (aka fight or flight) dominant state; the neural pathways, the communication among the brain centers, and the body are fuzzy and disorganized. If your child's neural pathways are disorganized, it will lead to disorganized behavior and an inability to focus because the pathways are literally not focused or organized.
How well do you focus when there is extra static and noise in the background? Not well, I assume. Neither does your child, but the difference is that the noise is not a static radio that you can shut off. It is inside their brain constantly, and it can only be shut off when the neural pathways become calm, clear, and connected again.

What causes this static in the first place? I have parents ask me all the time, "How does my child's brain get stuck in this sympathetic and stressed-out state?" or "Why is my child stressed out? He doesn't have to worry about work or paying the bills." Although that is true, our kids these days go through a tremendous amount of internal and external stress. Whenever your child has an excess of physical, chemical, or emotional stressors in their life that the nervous system cannot change and adapt to, it immediately shifts into that sympathetic fight, flight, or freeze state to protect itself. It's an intelligent process, but it becomes an issue when that is the only state that your child's brain is developing in.
What do I mean by a stressed, sympathetic dominant state?
The part of your nervous system that you don't consciously have to control is known as your autonomic nervous system (ANS). It's responsible for your breath, your heart rate, and your digestive system function, to name a few. The ANS has two states: the sympathetic state and the parasympathetic state. The sympathetic nervous system state is also known as the fight/flight/freeze state, and the parasympathetic nervous system is also known as the rest/digest/growth state. When your child is struggling to focus and on the verge of emotionally melting down, which state do you think is activated? If you said sympathetic, you are exactly right! Your child's brain is in a stressed state, aka sympathetic overdrive, that does not allow for the brain to be calm and connected. This causes the brain to be in a state of protection and survival rather than one of growth and development. The neural pathways of sympathetic dominance become ones of stress, chaos, and disorganization, as we described above. The sympathetic/stress state activates the primitive centers of the brain and inhibits the neocortex and higher-order brain centers where focused attention, learning, and emotional regulation occur. So even when they are trying their hardest to follow directions and do their homework, their brain is literally stuck in stress mode and will not allow your child to focus and learn the way you know they are capable of. This is why they often get frustrated and make negative associations with school, which can have lasting effects on their entire lives.
help your child focus and control their emotions
As pediatric chiropractors, Dr. Julia and Dr. Natalie help your child focus and control their emotions by helping the brain build and grow those calm, organized, and connected neural pathways, as opposed to the stressed and disorganized static neuropathways. The stream that is strongest will become the predominant part of the river, right? The same thing applies to your child's brain. We achieve this through very specific and gentle adjustments. These adjustments also help shift the body out of that sympathetic dominance or fight/flight state and into a parasympathetic or rest/digest/grow/learn state. We have seen amazing results at Peak Potential Family Chiropractic with kids being able to focus their energy and tap into their potential from within!
We are not trying to dim your child's light or shut off their amazing energy; rather, our goal is to allow your child's gifts to be expressed and for them to use their energy productively. Our natural and neurological approach accomplishes just that. Once the static and stress are removed from your child's brain and body, they can be the amazing, intelligent, and kind kids you know they are capable of!

If this sounds like your child and if these answers have provided clarity for you, give us a call to get your child's nervous system assessed, allowing your child to have the best school year ever!
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Peak Potential Family Chiropractic
16190 MN-7
Minnetonka, MN 55345